Naughtycon, noticon, n.icon, noci, n0c1, 0ycon, 0—>?

Am trying to rethink Perhaps with 0’ks and -s as sequences to linked images that can be negotiated.. A sort of extension forking way from Seemed apt to check current usages of the term, or similar ones:

if colours no not non reflection reflective?

colours not non reflection reflective if not colours reflective reflection.tar

how to make a line out of time?

Lets say i fancy making a stretch of seemingly continuous colour that evidently begins and end in 2 different places? Something like: _______________ What exactly has that process involved? There are many “exacts”, each of which might be very interesting and relevant. However, here am trying to focus on time. Could a line such as: […]

abstracts not and not colours?

# Stream all? if not colours.tar # Stream rounds? # Stream txt files? not z as r not black not red not beige not z as p not x as b not b not p not r not pink # Stream lists text? (not z as r) (not black) (not red) (not b) (not p) […]

A view regarding dynamics in art?

This is in relation with the post regarding if and th idea of dynamics that’s at the background. It seems to me that apart from the example of sounds composition in the post, it can be argued that alterations in practices we tend to link with art, seem to have something to do with […]

studies in meaning free – or abstracts?

Apparently, meanings come from context. ie the red of an apple can be different from the same red shade as blood. The difference is via meanings assigned to blood and apples which provide variations in meanings. Colours however, are made from absence (as in the object does not have a colour), a reflection (of the […]


attempting to comprehend if ? A bit of background thoughts I think it will be worth while to consider the approach as Dynamic. huh? Am not linking up with some dynamism here. However pointing out that the approach has to do with dynamics rather than objects as static elements. I think bearing this point […]