questions for the living gallery of how death might be?

Later on this month, I’ll be in the living gallery residency. (by animamus art salon)

sequence is transferable, like a rhythm

it goes boombomboom – not lok in new york on 5th avenu there is a crack in the pavement – u need to be there.
what are the booboombombanams of the animanus at apiary? or is it apiary at animanus?

ok.. residency changed via –

we understand but look, people think nomad is frightenning.

oh. and you said that they were drunk

oh, and this is for positive vibe, so you are welcome for next year. guess what, free!

..and this is for people to come.

ess (hess) and the no sandwitchboard / i’ll give sand-witches ask ppl re lingo..

..and we don’t know how to work the building, so got to have this guy.

crowd funding – but disconnect.. (eg, stuff is not luinked to ppl/funders)

(thought it might be an element..)

animated and alive yet takes on metaphors and visuals from death of time and from visuals that deal with death..

i can do do a tramnsport to brighton..

(hence visiting.. to take stuff..) | | |

give us some money for this idea we dont exactly do

living gallery residency. (by animamus art salon)

sequence is transferable, like a rhythm

it goes boombomboom – not lok in new york on 5th avenu there is a crack in the pavement – u need to be there.
what are the booboombombanams of the animanus at apiary? or is it apiary at animanus?

ok.. residency changed via –

we understand but look, people think nomad is frightenning.

oh. and you said that they were drunk

oh, and this is for positive vibe, so you are welcome for next year. guess what, free!

..and this is for people to come.

ess (hess) and the no sandwitchboard / i’ll give sand-witches ask ppl re lingo..

..and we don’t know how to work the building, so got to have this guy.

crowd funding – but disconnect.. (eg, stuff is not luinked to ppl/funders)

(thought it might be an element..)

animated and alive yet takes on metaphors and visuals from death of time and from visuals that deal with death..

i can do do a tramnsport to brighton..

(hence visiting.. to take stuff..) | | |

give us some money for this idea we dont exactly do

living gallery residency. (by animamus art salon)

ok.. residency changed via –

we understand but look, people think nomad is frightenning.

oh. and you said that they were drunk

oh, and this is for positive vibe, so you are welcome for next year. guess what, free!

..and this is for people to come.

..and we don’t know how to work the building, so got to have this guy.

give us some money for this idea we dont exactly do

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