a few thoughts about, err, Media – not The-media

This wordpress software ahs a feature called “media”. What is meant by “media” is added files which contain sounds, images – moving or static – and perhaps texts.
I have a problem with that definition.

Earlier today, I noticed an open call for “experimental media” where all they mean is – i conclude from the fact they want “video” submissions – experiments with moving images.

I have a problem with that as well!

Maybe I am a problematic kind of a guy?

Does it matter? Does it matter who I am?

..or does it matter that, for example, the crack between my floor boards is not seen as “media”? Or that the cream tube, actually the cream in the tube, under my hand – is not “media”. Or even the factness of a cream in a tube under my hand – is not seen as “media” – and so on..

In a sense, “media” is a layer of Share-ability. Either an ensabler for sharing X – or an integral element that makes X shareable. Hence in that kind of thinking:
I skateboard, and then Mediates that via text/image, etc.
I write and share that writing via a network. But the network is not seen as a media in itself, but a medium, a filter.

Now, the stuff the grinds me – the “problem” – is that however sharing occurs, it is a part of a whole. I can not say that writing about skateboarding does not affect skateboarding. However, the pretence that is embedded in the idea of “writing about” – this is About a subject that am disconnected from.
In fact the image/text is part of the Subject, and if it is, surely, why use an instant layer to mediate rather than stuff/process/practice that is a part of the activity? Why create the instant distance of an emperor’s clothes? Why create such a corruption instantly? Surely, there must be simpler ways..?

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