a quick search art from various cards?

If a search from:
art +scratch +cards ?
i got:
if http://www.gtranslator.xyz/boy
if https://java.net/projects/openmark/lists/commits/archive/2010-01/message/2

if art manifesto +loyality cards ?
if https://www.cassart.co.uk/customer/mission
if https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/article/ten-game-changing-manifestos

if art +loyality cards ?
if http://www.nesta.org.uk/dundee-contemporary-arts
if http://www.dmnews.com/dataanalytics/the-art-of-loyalty-programs/article/379015/

if each card is a sub artists movement?

if each art movement and its subs are power?

if each art movement is a Time-Based set and its sub genres are sort of sub-sets?

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