AFTER (?) a long (ISH) Silence(S) <(>

After a period of distances, sequences of time, altered frequencies, and many tideons passing through – perhaps it becomes also somehow feeling Forced to come back into writing something that began prior to that particular fabricated period?
know what I mean?
perhaps i don’t mean but just refer to something you might find a bounce, a chord, a certain commonality – an empathy ? – with?
who needs all that wordlyness when you simply know what i mean?
catch the water?
ever came back to a blog?
Well.. there were times, instances of attempts to punctuate the period. lets’ call it PeriodNoBloW? PeNoBlow for short? Such attempts produced stuff, however still, currently – with some yet to be found tangibilities.
Long(ish) silence(s) can breed longevity of no tangible attempts
Say you have a friend that there was no contact with for a while. Missing them at times. Want to find out how they are. Fancy hearing their news and possible quirks – and so on.
You might have began to text them, reached for a contacting device or began an email. Might have dreamt about them, wanted to share – yet the activity felt disturbingly forced?
A forced activity for contacting a friend?
When the arm is twisted, perhaps questions come about the requirement for such a forced twist?
Sometimes there is a need to twist and produce a relaxation that will take into a some seemingly particular direction?
Yes.. and others, when such violence is not simply violating and abusive, but also not required?