Data archiving for art??

How artists and art orgs etc archive their data?

I have seen a post or posts about this subject recently on new-media curation, nettime and probably netbehaviour as well..

Something kind of felt un-easy about this subject and probably felt sort of melancholic joy being unable to point at wtf is that feeling..

Then I bumped today into BioLinux, a distro with lots of apps and arrangements to do bioinfo stuff easy. I noticed that some of the tools are actually for arranging data so it can be UseD in various ways..
( emphasising UseD because my interest is in data Being, rather than usage, however, the manipulation via X/certain intent, is very interesting for me..)

Indeed, it does feel a bit strange that given the nature/being of data different to paint-data, stone, or even manuscript data, that the treatment of it – in terms of art – is as if the data is an object akin to a rock, metal, etc..

My thinking(??) – perhaps more instinct – is that to begin with, maybe the if a + b is also in and of itself a data structure.. Or rather than a data sequence that is also, by its very nature, structure.. (I don’t feel comfortable with structures..)
A data arrangement that lives with the strand..
In that sense, maybe some art data arrangements is: if a + b (eg a collage??), and maybe others can be, for example, if a – b (e.g. a chiseled statue..)???

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