WIENWOCHE 2013 – Application Guidelines
1. Applicant
David & Aharon
2. Description of the applicant (max. 2000 characters)
David does stuff like mint fest.
Aharon does stuff like digihub
3. Website, Links
4. Contact info / Contact person
details xyz
1. Project title
Food Collider / BlendedBlender
Festival of Growing (FOG) is a global discussion of food cultivation and production.
Growable (vegetable/food??) Democracy Generator (GDG)
2. Project description (max. 5000 characters)
Summarized description of the applied project (e.g. the most important focal points, ideas for realization, formats, goals, …)
Soup is not enough. Ingredients are not enough. Voting is not enough. not enough is too reductionist
in which case the 1st boom could be something like:
Food Collider is an ongoing practice where people get to play with democratic processes applied for food.
To make this happen, Food Collider is made of 2 interrelated parts and during 3 distinctive periods of pre, during & post Wien.
The parts:
1. generating food ingredients via discussions.
2. elective & selective processes the aim of which is to produce food recepies. These recepies are then prepared and eaten by people involved.
The periods:
1. Pre Wien, Food Collider will organise meetups where people will talk of how to be their favourite food ingredient. This will be recorded and categorised per ingredients.
2. During Wien, the ingredients will be used, via democrstic selective and elective means, to produce recepies which then be made for people by local foodies.
3. Post Wien, Food Collider will organise a new set of meetups to produce food ontologies. These will be ready for people to take up and apply new sets of democratic means, hence allowing an ongoing process of democratic experimentations with imagination, food, and discurssivity as its core matterials.
Food Collider is a process which continually questions democratic processes in a playful and yet critical way. It relates to stuff of the guts, Food, material we all need to survive, and link it to democratic practices and questions how we can use these to thrive. Indeed, whether the very ability to question is the process of thriving.
The Food Collider is a tryptich in time, done via 3 interdependent elements. 1st, people are asked to come together and develop food-stuff material. This is where people will get to imagine What & How it might be to be an edible entity. How is it like to be a cucamber, or a cow, or a shrimp, or a soya bean? What does it feel and sense like to be an edible entity? People will be asked to talk about an edible ingerient they like most, hence have some pashion about the subject and the possibility to collide ideas and notions about food with other members of the public.
These discussions will form an audible, video and textual database which will be used for the 2nd element of the triptych.
For the 2nd element, Food collider will introduce the bunch of food stuff-idea-noise for people to discuss making a recepie from. These recepies will be discussed and decided by people based on how they sense it is best for them. In that sense, Food Collider is gnostic intentionally, we want the Collider to be used in various times and contexts. However, for Wien, we have a specific democratic proceedural suggestion to employ, that of Liquid Democracy. Therefor people will use LD as the process to get the recepe together, as well as for the 3rd element of the Collider’s tritych , the cooking & eating.
To cook & eat the recepe that was collided over at the 2nd stage, people will be asked to use other method dimed legitimate decision making by the group. They will have to descide such delicate issues as quantities, times and timing of cooking, as well as the nature of the overall dish.
(Therefore Food Collider as a whole embodies democratic processes, which then can be eaten, used, disposed of, and re-generated.)
Food Collider’s 1st element, the production, will occur prior to Wien. period. This will serve to both gather and develop material for the 2nd element, and to let people know, disseminate information about the Collider specifically and Wuien as a whole.
Through meetings organised at local venues, such as cafes and art locations, we will begin collecting the notions people come up with regarding food stuff. While using the debates as material to be archived, they will also serve to enthuse people via local radio. People will be able to hear the debates and gain ideas regarding how they imagine the life of their favourite food ingedients, and/or how they might want to use the ingredient talked about in the later elements of the Collider.
Both 2nd & 3rd elemnts of the collider will be done during Wien*. The 2nd element will be done in same venues as 1st stage. We’ll take the materials generated by the conversational collisions, and apply LD to them via xyz means.
The end of the 2nd, recepie stage, will produce the ingredients for the dish to be cooked on the 3rd part of the Food Collider triptych.
The 3rd element is where people will work out how to cook the ingredients. They’ll be able to work out the overall nature of the dish – eg salad, rice, broth, etc., and how to apply the ingredients to that process. As with the 2nd element, Food Collider is open as to How people deside these things. However, for the purposes of demonstrating how the collider operates, we’ll use LD methods to do the descision process.
To ensure & assist further Food Collider usage and development, for at least, the next 12 months, we will organise another session of the 1st FC element. This will occur during Wien and towards the end.
Goals (sustained practice/usage?)
Food Collider has a few broad elements:
1. An artistic critique.
2. A questing and questioning of democratic processes.
3. An attempt at sustainable processes.
Food Collider, might seem at 1st to echo relational aesthetics projects which investigated, indeed aesthetisised, the democratic – or lack of – relationships between people the projects involved. Unlike such projects Food Collider is not interested in the relational values between people taking part, nor the possible relational values that might – or might not – emerge via the processes involved. The interest, indeed the aesthetics, in Food Collider is the practicing of collisions, a mass, a noise, an unformed messy social material that can be used by people, groups, initiatives, organisations, etc. as they might please.
The social element is also a critique of thew Beuysian notion of Social Sculpture – which arguabley, see Bishop, has informed/influanced/been-imitated-by relational projects. This critique is precisely in the way we will do a social material production, rather than be interested/focused upon the production of the social structure/sculpture.
Food Collider, in that sense, also provides a critique of the capitalistic usage of social sculpture techniques, and relational aesthetics’ related language, within the current swell of social networks on the internet in general and their capitalistic perceptions in particular.
Therefore Food Collider is neither a project, nor an object, or an effort but a potential practice. We will begin the practice with making cultural food stuff based on material generated by people discussing how is it to be a certain kind of food stuff. How is it to be Bread? Rice? An Olive? A wild boar? etc.. These collections of stuff. noises, food-based cultural material, can come via many substances, discurssive, poetic, algorithmic, musical, programmatic, situational, to name a few. Food Collider will accomodate for all forms food might be collided via people or other means.
The initial usage of Liquid Democracy of the material produced is simply to begin the practice, not an integral, immanent element of the Food Collisions it will bring in the future. That is why Food Collider will be open for other usages, other aesthetic interpertations of the noise material it will produce and keep making.
Democratic processes are evolving practices which we, as a society, a political body, artistic freedom seekers, and aesthetics creators, discover & make as we go along. As a Deluzian becomming, democracy has no “it” but a process to be. It’s never “there”.
With the notions of continues discovery and of noise in mind, Food Collider is bent on creating noise and processes which question, challenge and expand the very practice of doing democracy.
to do that * we do transprency of process, so that people can see how its done + add their own processes. To top that we also question the values of voting and the focus on voting as a performance, a spectacle whi
Food Collider offers, but does not impose, sustainable practice. Indeed, the idea is to give it a year for evolving within communities and individuals to allow new ways of sustaining the collider.
We think that because it is a fun practice, to imagine the Being of food and creating dishes based upon these imaginings, will make the Food Collider into a new cultural technology that, like painting, cinema, and theatre – to name a few – will sustain itself. However, since all forms to mature require a practice, we aim to give it a year of a practice-based-research in a way, which will provide Food Collider a kick to begin life, evolve and be sustained by its practicioners.
Growable Democracy Generator is a process by which people generate through discussions notions of what is it like to be stuff that grows, banana, tree, shrub, etc.
The discussions are documented and form the material for possible democratic theatrics. To begin with, we’ll use theatrics of Liquid democracy for the duration of the initial 2 weeks (dates??) However, with the assistance of a globsal network and local radio & venues, we will generate material for democratic theatrics during the following 12 months.
tell the story of food, it’s production and consumption from the point of view of the plant, animals, animate and inanimate processes that constitute the sytem of food production that supports us. These stories will be sourced and recorded,
The democratic participants, that is the “audience” will be able to delegate their votes to representative that they feel are best able to speak for components of our global food production – speakers that show the best deep understanding and empathy of the science and soul of these processes will be selected to take part in the final performance.Who can speak for the soil, the earthworm, the tractor, for asparagus?
a speakers corner, a soup, a stew, a feast
What is it?
Ideas to realise
I want to make a mobile app.
Points of focus
3. Results (max. 3000 characters)
Short description of the expected outcome of the project (e.g. exhibition, publication, action in public space, workshop, presentation, …)
A mobile and tablet app – Soup / Blender 4D / Food Collider – which will have Liquid Democracy of Food. The app will also curate / display the noise archive + the live radio programme.
Food meets – supper clubs, events in cafés and a theatre?
What is it going to be?
4. Project goals (max. 2000 characters)
Short description of the project’s goals (what should the project achieve beyond WIENWOCHE, e.g. awareness, visibility, knowledge production, collaborations, a product, …)
Goals (sustained practice/usage?)
5. Target groups (max. 1500 characters)
Short description of the project’s target groups (who is the project directed towards, who should be addressed with it or motivated to participate, and why?)
Why them?
6. Work methods (max. 1500 characters)
Short description of the work methods of the project (how and with whom will the project be developed?)
7. Strategy for communication / publicity (max. 2500 characters)
Short description of the project’s strategies for reaching the public, media, individuals or groups. (How and through which channels or media should who be reached? How should the project objectives be conveyed to the target groups?)
8. Time plan
Pre activity
During Activity
9. Cooperation partners
(In the case of any)
Class War Games – Stefan Luchinger
The People Speak
SOAS – Anthroplogy of Food –
Also else where?
10. Budget
(See budget guidelines)
Sound Parliament
Taking conversations, distributed, layered, multifaceted, recorded through mobile powered in-situ debates, in and around Vienna, and networked to distant geographies – the Sound Parliament uses a democratic architecture to process the collected sounds in order to create a sound space composition to be performed in Wien Woche.
The recording of the conversations are fed through an democratic Pure Data (MaxMSP) architecture, in which they are layered, distorted, sampled and scratched. The stages of the processing are voted on using Liquid Democracy techniques in order to create / recreate emotions and impressions of the participants. The parliament of elected sounds are then performed in
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One reply on “food collider initial Vienna notion with dave of liq democracy (ld)”
doesnt seem like david’s elements are coming in so it will not be submitted for vienna. cool. will be done later/other time with, hopefully, noise only.. either way its fine..