How to be a collidable network sound and live to tell about it? (H2BACNSAL2TAI?)
H2BACNSAL2TAI is a group activity that builds, and possibly destroys, a sonic network. H2BACNSAL2TAI imagines how networkable sound lives, from the view of sounds, via to the creation of collisions & networks.
Data networks made of bits known as “packets”, are chunks of information passed on within a given locale to create a network of information.
H2BACNSAL2TAI is an active imagining how it might be as an information packet that contains sound in a network. This is done through actively breaking the network – through colliding packets. Each collision will create its own new network sound.
To do H2BACNSAL2TAI, we need at least 3 people – upto any number – to form a circle. To begin with, there will be 2 kinds of messages – sound based “information packets”. Initiated by me, each type will be sent through the circle in a clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.
The initial two message types will be:
* A coded logic pseudocode that would have made packets containing sounds collide and produce new sounds which could then travel to other direction on the network. Since it’s an algorithmic pseudocode logic, each person will be able to imagine being a collidable sound in a network. Each object – 53 in total – will travel anti-clockwise.
* Symmultaniously, 53 ideas of sound objects will travel clockwise through the circle. The sound ideas consist of descriptions and noise making, to do with collision sensations – e.g. gritted teeth, wind hitting guitar strings, an earth history of solar winds, etc..
Through H2BACNSAL2TAI process, collisions between nodes/people in the network will be created. Each person will progressively become a “sound colliding chamber” when they receive and transfer 2 different sound types – code & sound ideas.
On completing a full circle , a 3rd sound element will be introduced: Physical “sound packages” made of gaffa-taped bottles and balloons, filled with nuts**.
These will be thrown within the group, at times to another person, and others with the intention of colliding the “sound packages”. If the objects collide, they will be combined (taped) or split to form new sound packages.
The Sounds:
how to be a collidable network sound and live to tell about it (H2BACNSAL2TAI)
Key: is there a packet?=Vi | a friend ? = Ve | a foe? = Vo | an action? = Va | an object = Vo’e
1. sound of an arrow meeting side wind 2. sound of a splat on a lit lighter 3. sound of a traffic inside the scream painting 4. sound of a gasping cyclonic car 5. sound of a missile hitting a heart 6. sound of a chamber orchestra changing clothes 7. sound of a ripple after its gone 8. sound of a hypersonic light 9. sound of a jeeped humvee 10. sound of a reloaded trumpet 11. sound of a deloaded trumpet 12. sound of a unloaded trumpet 13, sound of an empty garage missing a dead body 14. sound of an engine attempting to become biological 15. sound of a an arbitrary number becoming meaningful 16. sound of a an arbitrary number unbecoming meaningfulness 17. sound of a de-becoming of meaning translated into a number 18. sound of a de-becoming of meaning expressed as a number 19. sound of a de-becoming of meaning understood as a number 20. sound of a de-becoming of meaning represented as a number 21. sound of a bus meeting a chicken 22. sound of a bus morphing into a chicken 23. sound of a baby bus-chicken 24. sound of a keyboard at the end of the day 25. sound of a day’s end in a keyboard 26. sound of a day keyboard by the beginning of night 27. sound of a blender with a drum 28. sound of a drummed blender 29. sound of a drumming blender 30. sound of a drummer blender 31. sound of a blending drummer 32. sound of a blending drum 33. sound of a blended drum 34. sound of a splat sneezed 35. sound of a gasp belched 36. sound of a zipped wind 37. sound of a bottling beat 38. sound of a snored ouch! 39. sound of a humming chirp 40. sound of a barking roar 41. sound of a barking lion 42. sound of a snorting caw 43. sound of a snorting crow 44. sound of a bulleting cockatoo 45. sound of a bulleting bleeper 46. sound of a bulleting morse-code 47. sound of a morse-coding a bullet 48. sound of decoding a morse-coded a bullet 49. sound of re-coding a morse-coded a bullet 50. sound of a sneezed a morse-coded bullet 51. sound of a bullet’s will 52. sound of a barking will 53. sound of an unwilling will |
1. Vi Vo Va Vo 2. Vi Va Ve 3. Vi Va VoVe VoVe 4. Vi Vo’e Vo Ve 5. Vi Vo’e Va Vo’e 6. Vi VaVo’e Ve Ve 7. Vi Va Vo Vo 8. Vi VaVa Vo’eVe 9. Vi VaVo’e VaVo’e Vo 10. Vi Va Va Vo’e 11. Vi Va Vo Vo’e 12. Vi Va Vo Vo’e 13. Vi Va Vo’e Vo Ve 14. Vi Vo’e Vi Vi Vo’e Vo 15. Vi Vo’e ViVa Ve 16. Vi Vo’e VoViVa Ve 17. Vi VoVeViVa Ve Va Vo’e 18. Vi VoVeViVa Ve Va Vo’e 19. Vi VoVeViVa Ve Va Vo’e 20. Vi VoVeViVa Ve Va Vo’e 21. Vi Vo’e Vi Ve 22. Vi Vo’e Vi Ve 23. Vi Ve Vo’e 24. Vi Vo’e Vo 25. Vi Vo’e Vo Vo’e 26. Vi Vo’e Vi Ve 27. Vi Va Vi Vo’e Ve 28. Vi VaVo’e Vo’e Ve 29. Vi Vo’eVa Vo’e Ve 30. Vi Vo’eVa Vo’e Ve 31. Vi VaVo’e Vo’e Vo 32. Vi VaVo’e Vo’e Vo 33. Vi VaVo’eVo Vo’e Vo 34. Vi VaVo VaVo 35. Vi Va VaVe 36. Vi VoVaVo’e Vo’eVa 37. Vi VoVaVo’e Ve 38. Vi Va Vo 39. Vi Va Ve 40. Vi VaVo’e Ve 41. Vi Va Va Vo 42. Vi Va Vo’e Ve 43. Vi Va Vo’e Vo 44. Vi Va Vo’e Vo 45. Vi Va Vo’e Vo 46. Vi Va Vo’e Ve 47. Vi Va Vo 48. Vi Vo VaVo’e Vo 49. Vi Ve VaVo’e Vo 50. Vi Vo VaVo’e Vo 51. Vi VoVo’e Va 52. Vi Va VoVe 53. Vi VoVa Va
4 replies on “H2BACNSAL2TAI?”
The ideas for imagining network and how it might operate came from the following likes:
Ooops, also these ones:
The ideas for the sounds and the possibilities of writing them in various methods, came with an eye on the following links:
Will attempt a version of this idea today at
Am a bit concerned that there is a sort of implicit assumption people might not mind to come up and do the activity. (..indeed, this is presented, perhaps because of the presentational situation, rather than being a practice..)
Well.. In fact this is part of a research investigative process, a practice in itself, in which perhaps the true life and being of h2bacnsal2tai will be discovered and created simultaneously.
At any rate, the way this is going to Be today is, with some adaptations to the environment, and probably improvisations(??!!), ie tweaks I have not thought of before, as part of the research..