Zizek writes that Hegel seemed to have wittingly noted: secrets of the Egyptians are secrets for the Egyptians themselves.
Zizek writes about this from the view of big-otherness, which is an interesting composition, I think. However, it occurred to me that in fact the Hegelian idea lacks the same elements acceleration solutions do: they miss the rhythm. They accelerate the appearance of negativity as a positive, but miss the negativities of that very action. (Perhaps shades, rather than negativities??)
What I probably refer to is that is an acceleration of monetary exchange, eg using monetary exchange more and more in more and more ways, faster and faster – this is only half measure. The acceleration is of the seen, rather than the unseen, unknown, etc., but focusing on a single element.
Perhaps this is because the focus is, or the action is on question that perhaps misses/conflates itself with the confabulative and search activities?
Maybe I should try to find out if this can be put in simpler terms?
Instead of assuming secrets and imagining them as secrets for the people who produced them, we want to, in a sense be more radical. For some people, even in egytian olden times, the pyramids were not a secret, for some they might have been a political symbol, others might have imagined it as a process of nature culture interaction, etc.. For some there wasn’t a secret, ie some hidden element to uncover behind the objects and cultural entities, for some it might have been enablers to imagine other stuff. For some, it might have been objects for providing a sense of cultural stability and they sis not give a damn about some possible meanings. Some others might have had in mind some religious function-meanings. Probably others that I can not imagine.
Am not trying to make stuff complicated, am trying to illustrate that a simple acceleration misses its own point. However, in order to make such notion simpler, what am saying is that the accelerationist is conservative in a the sense that it accepts questions as unquestionables. The secret might actually not be such. The monetary exchange might not be needed. The oil/petrol based transport – might not be the only problem needed to be accelerated for undoing oil/petrol dependency.
The egyptian “secrets” are “secrets” only because we imagine them as belonging to past times people and culture. Indeed, if we want to understand them, they must come into how these live in our own times – to search the egyptian cultural entities in ower lives because they are not dead – they evolve. Indeed, in Hegelian times, the pyramids were elements in islamification of egypt – eg usage of plaques in the Mohamed Ali mosque – and europe/middle east political power play – see Napoleon in egypt..