labour, coronation street and race?

A race?

Perhaps more like racism?

How do you think something like this past as cool via coronation street tv editors?

Is this a real question?

Kunta Kinte?

Another TV show.. From the 70’s.. Interesting how it vibrates so many years later, no?

Did anyone mention Labour?

Is it not curious how the labour party is accused of antisemitism?

Is the labour party another TV show?

Come to think of it.. Perhaps politics are not too far?

..and that antisemitism claim is linked with coronation street?

Kinda.. Is it curious that some people who get very vigilant about antisemitism might hold a joke about slavery and kunta kinte as both legit and funny?

Are these all the people who are vigilant about antisemitism in society?

Isn’t that what the term “some” negates? some people in Labour party appear to be antisemitic?

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