memories and excitement marks?

I think it is hard to argue that people, as individuals and societies, kind of fancy being remembered. In fact, I could also argue that every bit, if asked, would have an element that fancies being recalled. Every leaf that falls in autumn, fancies being a memory within the wind – because it is within us all. Without living a mark, being recalled, we can not do evolution. In fact, evolution can occur only because we leave marks – or seem to, or think we do.
In a sense, it can be argued that perhaps leaving a mark, making a memory, or rather making stuff that is Able to be a memory, or can enable memories, or can Be a part of an evolution – is how we search, how the rhythms of searching as a practice are.
Excitement, according to epigenetical views, leaves pan/cross/trans generational marks. The findings are more evident re traumatic memories/excitements like famines, 09.11, etc., however by extrapolation, the non/less traumatic excitements should be as important. (eg, if memories/excitements other than traumas were not in effect, the traumatic ones would not be visible.. Not much darkness if there is no light..(?))

How to leave my mark? How to get you excited? How to make sure someone, somewhere in this life barren universe – or even multiverse – will be able to get something from me and connect it, link it to some utterly disposable evolution of something or another?
I’d be good. I’d be bad. I’d be glad. I’d be mad. I’d be funny. I’d be silly. I’d be quick. I’d be anything you like – like a proper prostitute. And like most sex-based, and other (come to think of it) prostitutes, I’d be well forgotten by the time non-prostitutes are deemed boring.

Hence, like a good prostitute I’d tantalise, I’s excite your easily accessible bits. I’d do anything to leave my mark on you. My mark is a spell. A spell we could both fall into, and in for.
I’d excite you like an explosion, and then we could both be and be gone in a lifeless evolution.
Perhaps this is a part of how evolution and development is/are.
Perhaps that’s how such processes are, and I’d buy that idea unless one thing disturbed my mind. Survival.
I know that myself, and other animals do stuff for survival. I’d do all sorts of prostitution to survive, if needed. Perhaps not all kinds, but certainly some. I think we all do – but that is not an excuse, just a badly thought of reminder.
I also know that at times I am not afraid of survival, or that other people (can tell re people as am far less sure re other animals/entities when it comes to such levels of reading the other), when less concerned with survival, and just following – or being enabled by, or spurred/motivated by – what ever seems interesting regardless of outcome and that outcome is, in a sense, immaterial, then markers of memory are made that do not require added spices. Infact the excitement about such markers is precisely the fact that they seem – or even are – interesting, memorable without the need to underline it. That they seem to leave a mark without attempting to do so..

Should some examples be searched here?

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