still attempting to simplify yet can not find a tag in my head

this is another follow up that follows this & that.

the”problem” in my head, apart from it being just that, is the imagined need for solution.

the question should be practised – not solution.. eg —>

am on public transport.
i know there will be timespace wheren (where + when come together) i’d cross looks with someone – how to cross eyes with a stranger on trans & port in public? maybe the practice is:
how to question crossing eyes with a stranger on trans & port in public?

We crossed eyes/looks. Something was created for a fleeting moment – that isn’t the interest. That moment has gone. However, the practice could question precisely that – no?
* crossing looks *
Hey dude, no mean to disturb etc. we’ve just crossed. Was wondering how you came to look? i was looking beyond you. and you?
oh! gee.. hummm.. i checked your strange glasses.
(These are object/what based questions)

Hey dude, we’ve just crossed. how did it feel? (am asking so that there will be an aesthetic question, organism, developed out of this crossing..)

for me there was a question of focus – beyond and on – shifting.
dude – i was wondering how it might feel like wearing your glasses. (they are different)
now we have a new aesthetic organism that asks how it feels like to shift focus while sensing a wonderment regarding unfamiliar glasses.
This can be given to visual people, or designers, or biologists, or builders, etc. to do solutions. Or offered to other artists as a way for imagining through.
Indeed I could use this in a follow-up crossing eyes with a stranger on trans & port in public?

Hey dude – we’ve just crossed. I was imagining how someone that shifts focus while being fascinated by unfamiliarity of eyewear might sense you monochromatic dresscode.
really? gosh you are a cheeky bastard! fuck off will you??!!!

Cool – now we have a new kind of crossing eyes with a stranger on trans & port in public? – it has a double folding, no? (crossing eyes + fuck off..)

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