I wanted to vote “anything but” @BHgreens . Nationally, @thegreenparty in general and @CarolineLucas in particular – despite recent political t-shirted stunts http://arty.li/ZG6 – are V disappointing imho. (..attempting to reform capitalist outlets is a de-facto acceptance of #capitalism, hence placing page #3 images on par with financial rather than cultural legitimacy. @CarolineLucas version of […]
Tag: brighton
a local #brighton politics article as a good reminder that when arguments are lost, ppl go personal or health & safety http://arty.li/ZGA
#HEG13 labour visited & failed to mention =pay re #brighton bin strike http://arty.li/ZGg any1 claims its not re =pay? @bhgreens @bhlabour
My housemate is going to meet Brighton’s green mp, Caroline Lucas, later today. I asked her to tell our dear MP that I think, unfortunately, she failed. My housemate asked why am saying that. Well, check the growing support for UKIP. Connection? I think it is well known that in hard economic times, support for […]
unlike #brighton’s image of emancipation seeking place, presentation of ideas at #ccbtn was rife with sex divide & when pointed was glossed
#brighton #ccbtn yesterday felt a bit oppressive & authoritarian in 2 ways: seeksolutions rather than creative questioning & questionable +
i find it interesting cos with MP from #brighton, #greens should have got more votes, not #ukip. clean toilets @CarolineLucas + @jasonkitcat
general idea To bring geographically mapped sounds from Rome into Brighton and vice versa. We will take the exact measurements of Rome, be it within the 7 hills, and superimpose the resulting coordinates onto Brighton. These coordinates will serve to map the locations of sounds in Rome, and play them in the corresponding geo locals […]
FabricaGallery is calling artists to try stuff in the gallery during Sept #bdf2013 – deadline: 02.04.13 – http://arty.li/Z59 #brighton
http://www.arty.li/Z5q – rise of #ukip is proof of #greenparty inability to grow despite have an mp @CarolineLucas of #brighton – 🙁
#BHOpenDoor lip balm[ed] service 4 #open cld b expected, lack of imagination, guile & dare in young intelligent mind leading #brighton = 🙁
#BHOpenDoor 0 re discussion at #brighton citycamp Sept12 re making ppl pay for broadband via failing to have a commonly owned /run one 🙁
#BHOpenDoor a strange yet perhaps expected chat re #londonroad as a #brighton based business opportunity
#BHOpenDoor he is using terms like basic & core needs of people.. who decides these? more importantly how are these debated in #brighton?
#brighton’s jason kitcat economy talk in #BHOpenDoor http://www.arty.li/Zwv – with so many gate keepers #greens give #open a bad name
Background | Current | Invitation The process of art can be that of negotiation. Be it in a concealed, or up-front ways – negotiation is a basic requirement of production, if not creativity. A process of attempting to get-away with – doing or not doing – stuff, based on activities like giving, taking, pushing, shifting […]