why it seems google were doing evil – even before they were big?

Google is somehow infamously famous be a promise to do no evil. Some people want to remind google about doing evil. Possible some other people claim google pledge to do no evil ended this year when the motto stoped prefacing google’s code of conduct. When google was young and seemingly sexy, in the late 90’s, […]

material + place specificity and death? #1

My parents died in the recent past. No. No? I have lost my parents relatively recently. No. No? I have failed my parents this way or another most of my life – and in the past few years my failures gained mortal consequences. Some people have graves to visit, re-ignite memories, feel some sense of […]

arbitrality, running and AI?

Just came back from a run?? Do you run arbitrarily? Arbitrarily has to do with Yes/No arbitrary, no? Well.. When a person runs in a rhythm like: fast 50 secs, stop 10 secs – and so on – do they stop/run at arbitrary times? As in the run/stop are whimsical, will dependent or despotic? How […]

popup, popping up and pop-up culture

If you can pop up and see me any time, its kind of easy, informal and nothing too serious that requires preperations like cleaning, cooking, arranging, etc.. There are also some elements that sort of pop up, as in sudden appearance that was UN-announced.. (..eg was not noticed coming..) This might be different to a […]

contract killing in britain and capitalism?

aesthetics of absent killing? well.. seems like there are people desperate enough to kills, pay and get paid for killing others – and they are not just in the armed services.. The bram uni survey seems very interesting indeed even if only the subject – contract killing – is both sort of taboo and subject […]

lavabit a bit of a hypocrite?

Democracy now has an interesting and self promoting in terms of contradictions, (hence hypocritical imho, interview with lavabits’ head Ladar Levison. * Lavabit is a for profit company, not a service. If you wanted to enjoy its encryption – you had to pay. The state, and fbi as part of it, is the effective guarantor […]

a museum of/for capitalism *research*?

Was listening to a Boris Groys conversation while doing a bunch of other stuff – he is kind of fun to mull, ponder and contemplate dis/agreements with. (eg, just because capitalism is using speed, means not that in a free cultural world we should not use it. Just like the fact the capitalists eat and […]

stuff regarding cultures & religions I get not

Noticed this report by Muslim Women’s Network UK (MWNUK) re abuse of women in contemporary Britain. Abuse should be stopped and culturally be in a n eliminative process. However, if this report is correct – have not yet checked my view on this, but will assume it is correct, especially for the writers/mwnuk – I […]

#art blackhole questions: the cultures in the gallery? #bdf13

http://www.circleculture-gallery.com/ (gallery for cultural focus?) http://www.alc.manchester.ac.uk/subjects/arthistoryvisualstudies/ http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/research/ma-art-history-curatorship-and-renaissance-culture (classical culture in contemporary gallery culture?) http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/features/icons-exhibition-shows-a-proud-historyof-popular-culture-8737341.html (a history with a story between itself and gallery culture?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_museum (a culture and history of conflating museums and galleries?) http://nmaahc.si.edu/ http://www.upenn.edu/life-at-penn/arts.php #artblkhole questions: the cultures in the gallery? #bdf13 — aharon (@aharonic) September 4, 2013

#heg13, equalpay and the reasons i will vote green, you?

I wanted to vote “anything but” @BHgreens . Nationally, @thegreenparty in general and @CarolineLucas in particular – despite recent political t-shirted stunts http://arty.li/ZG6 – are V disappointing imho. (..attempting to reform capitalist outlets is a de-facto acceptance of #capitalism, hence placing page #3 images on par with financial rather than cultural legitimacy. @CarolineLucas version of […]

#culture of blame that cultiva…

#culture of blame that cultivates devils might look like: http://arty.li/ZcH ??

is gun ownership one of the vi…

is gun ownership one of the violent differences between some american #culture and the rest of humanity? http://arty.li/ZT2

indian #culture of rape meets …

indian #culture of rape meets #european tourist – http://arty.li/ZS3

http://www.arty.li/Zit – #cult…

http://www.arty.li/Zit – #culture of self via Faucault and medical practices linked to #philosophy in its very early version

http://arty.li/Ziy – re riches…

http://arty.li/Ziy – re riches in #china with an illustration of how valuing objects/tangibles devalues #art & #culture it support

http://www.arty.li/ZiC – re ri…

http://www.arty.li/ZiC – re riches in #china with an illustration of how valuing objects/tangibles devalues #art & #culture it support

#robots and jobs – http://arty…

#robots and jobs – http://arty.li/Zi5 – interesting the writers think we need a wage system + possible link to how #art #culture is done