arbitrariness of arbitrary not?

Am collecting stuff to translate icelandic, japanese and brazilian portugese into one another.. Talking about this, a person asked a seemingly obvious question: why these languages? Now, I have certain reasons which seem to have been fine for that particular conversation. However: Am I sure these are reasons rather than dressed up excuses? Am I […]

spectating spectaclular spectrum?

Seems like spectating is very much linked or linkedAble to spectrum via spectre and in my mind spectacularly so.. from spectate – through – (note the ghost..?) to spectrum – Scope, as a sort of Wave-extent, is more the kind of vibrations I have in mind re spectrum – […]

fugoo and the duck of going to ddk from google

I have been using ddk – duckduckgo – for a fair few years now. fugoo – is the verb for fuck-google and using other tools. (these are mostly tools, not services as people like to call them, because owned by few and for profit. Software, a tool, As a service = a n attempt to […]