middle east/west asia – extreme or simply violent?

There is a rather common view that pits authoritarian nationalism against authoritarian – indeed, political – religionism in west asia/middle east. As if the 2 kind of authoritarianisms are 2 extremes. Are they? * It seems like both adhere to being authoritarian – hence violent. * It also seems that both nationalism and religionism are […]

how can pixels visualise fearss triumph over freedom?

The image of: is rather strange in terms of both the normality of face pixelation and the uniqueness of who this pixelation is aimed at. The pixelation of facial features is, in my point of view, an interesting yet somehow forgotten element of contemporary portraiture. Perhaps more than the “selfie”,pixelation is in itself an uber […]

selling/letting/offering, a bit like an if?

Just bumped into the letting a flat 3mx3m for £255pcm. The surprise in mind was that some might have actually seriously contemplated the idea. ie if there is an offer, maybe someone will inevitably actually take it? The being an offer, an if flat of 3mx3m in and of itself does not seem like forcing […]

freedom with objects is a knott?

Just bumped into http://freedomdefined.org/Definition – am struck by how restrictive it feels while clearly intent on being serious for pushing for freedom. Am curious about the sequence.. The restrictive sense (object, define), the cross with intent (we really want all to be free), and the interval – perhaps disconnected interval – via that crossing. The […]

data on the web is too static

for the internet? Following the day we fight back‘s instance in brighton, some thoughts came to me regarding critique of how we do stuff. It seems for me, that at least to some partial extent, the ability of entities like google to use our content/data is precisely because We tend to imagine the data in […]

where do we search from when we use freedom?

ok.. this is an honest-intended-felt question.. okturtles (good luck to them), claim that “Freedom has a Namecoin”. That via Hiding/Encrypting messages, we will be free to exchange ideas and express ourselves as we might please – or there about. (they are not very precise in how freedom is, errr, defined.. kind of cool when you […]