Is it that computing machines used to be sort of more general purpose mechanical devises that could apply their mathematical/calculative prowess to various areas, and as they evolve, seem to be more specific in build and calculation? eg we get more task specific devices than we used to, no? this one’s for gaming, that one’s […]
Tag: mechanic
protocols are for rich happy fulfilled machines or a poorly paid culturally impoverished mechanised population? There used to be a certain prevalence to an idea for supporting empires that went like: Check the flourishing of life/culture in the Mongol empire regions compared to previous and post empire times. The prevalence of central power that normalised […]
I talked to a few people about non non-mechanisation – ie organicanisation. It seems interesting that a few, unrelated nor linked, people said that there are mechanical elements in the organic. I think the similarity is when organic processes become mecvhanically looking.. eg the way my hands move during typing.. However, the way my hands […]