the guardian places #sport ove…

the guardian places #sport over #democracy on the front page. the demonstrations were actually outside the stadium where the football game took place..

a few thoughts about, err, Media – not The-media

This wordpress software ahs a feature called “media”. What is meant by “media” is added files which contain sounds, images – moving or static – and perhaps texts. I have a problem with that definition. Earlier today, I noticed an open call for “experimental media” where all they mean is – i conclude from the […]

a us-china summit, or obama he…

a us-china summit, or obama heads to teach Xi Jinping how to track citizens flinchlessly –

arbitrariness, art, power, media, talent – in order

Consider the theatre of airports. The media of porting from one designated area to another. X is the spot for stateland#1. Through the medium of an arbitrary line, we have to Show a passport and cross – trans – to area Y where slightly different rules are being mediated, eg “duty free” shops. All these […]

non communication and art

Am doing searches for un/no/non-communications – when practices, activities, events or other stuff, does Not communicate, either by intent/nature or failure. eg when i type, i am doing a communicative practice that might fail to mean something, or be misunderstood/construed – however it is a communicative activity. When I go to the toilette, or fix […]

a #gnu #media(??!!) sharing to…

a #gnu #media(??!!) sharing tool in #python & light on server (runs on raspberry-pi, apparently)

choke end & kick crowd starter

Crowd funding sites seem to pop up like skin flakes following a nuclear bombing. Kickstarter is perhaps a well known & major contributor to that particular of current vogues, and perhaps that is why it is in the subject, but serves as a useful kicking example. Many years ago, in the heady days of 2003 […]

further, they #bound ppl’s #im…

further, they #bound ppl’s #imagination via #media. fact, u most likely have read these rants & either cldn’t imagine a solution or thought:

reading an intro to towards #e…

reading an intro to towards #evil #media studies – – interesting bit re representation & deflection via #object #language