India’s democracy in a trans?

Interesting news from India as childish mindsets are defeated in court for a transgendered woman to be allowed to write her name in an exam. I hope this will affect other women in similar transing sequence – though am not sure why or why nor How this is even an issue that required a court […]

givens transmittables transes transferable help assistance given?

Sayings are for fools as fools are for making sayings worth repeating? My fool: how to give? I have a package of memory to assist you with – this animal is my gift to you. Just a given? Given is an interface of context through a door into time via Duchamps translates transmutation – but […]

being and aiming through meanings of meanings by meaning without?

Just write some stuff re Meanings on barbicantalk forum: … 2- I have learned a lot via this exchange, so placing yourself as “learning”, if I accepted that, would feel disingenuous.. For example, It seems that in your mind – I suspect the vast majority of people’s minds – there is an idea of seeking […]

transablities? collisequence?

1 2 4 5 6 9 11 as a strand in a collisequence derived from a shopping trip because in itself it IS, its Being, is Trans-able. I can do it in a photo, a music, a documentary, an essay, as of itself, or an element, strand, etc. The question in my mind is just […]