trust trsst rss t

Noticed a newIsh twitter clone wonnabe riding the newly found interest in encryption. My interest here is how the capitalised mind seems to imagine a new found market, a group of people to colonise.
Instead of viewing the privacy question as – how i think it is – an inevitable violation of power, the capitalist imagination attempts to think in How can we get more power out of that violation. The crisis makes people aware of an issue, and that issue of interest can be a market to capitalise upon.
However, that is not entirely why I am distrusting trsst.. The other reason is that they hide where they know power is, behind the impression of providing power to customers/fans/followers/users/audience/slaves – hence they keep the exchange.. In a sense they say:
Hey we do the magic for you. You can keep the data etc.. we don’t really need/want that – we just need you to desire us, hence we’ll control the exchange because this is where real power is!

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