…and out of time logic?

the end of logic?

an end of logic?

an end from logic?


logic’s end as illogical?

the ending of logic as reason-ability?

maybe logic as a freakabiliy?

freak me to the edge of logic?

When logic is a territory?

When logicland has ended?

A logic treason?

When logic has landed from its beats?

You what??!!

Humm.. that would be a death for logic – is that the end?

An end, perhaps?

But if logic is landless – a territory free sequence – then it might have no end but time?

Perhaps, on a more personal level, logic ends when a person decries another for being illogical?

Other people can never be illogical?

I think the point is “decries” – meant towards a sense of not being logically understood. I tell you that there is/isn’t a god, am explaining myself Logically – but the other person, they are illogical, hence do not agree.. Some logics can not collide?

Is it to do with understanding, or agreeing?

The logic of beleif is so different from disbeleif that they can not collide?

Can we not describe beief as a susspension of disbeleif?

We can, some do, but is it a correct description?

Can logic end – or begin – in illogicality?

IDK.. Can I slap you?

Slap yourself? Why?

Well.. Let say am strong enough to decide doing that?

True.. You are strong enough.. Slapping has to do with some kind of strength.. But is that a vallied reason?

Ah! Between reason and logic, yes?

That goes into a logic of reason?

Or the logic of reasoning?

Well.. By asking why, I had to reason. I gave a reason. Some might say that it isn’t reasonable reason, and it feels like a possible end of logic.. The ability to reason logic in and out of being as an end/begining of logicality?

Are we saying that logic is a reasoning practice?

Not sure.. If I say – I got this red shirt and the reason being was: got cold, there was an apple in the shop opposite and had a dream about trees – so given these, i got a red shirt – is that logical?

Might not sound logical.. Might be associative logic?

A logical process with its own reasoning?

But then.. If I gave the same reasons, but claimed to have bought the shirt for someone else, and am feeling hurt because they haven’t used the shirt, what am I being?


Why unreasonable?

Because you want to force people to do stuff?

Ah! So the power question is inherent to the reason and logic questions, yes?

I guess that power is what seems to pop.. But What about causality?

That’s it.. Causality.. How do we know there is a question of causality rather than, for example, a sequence?

Say you claim to have bought a shirt because (causality infered) someone had a birthday and you have seen a dog on way to shops. Birthday caused a dog that caused a red shirt being bought.. Now, this might seem perfectly reasonable in someone’s mind – but equally unreasonable in some other mind. Can we continue from here?

I guess so.. Lets try?

OK.. So what if instead of saying A caused B caused C – Brithday cased Dog Caused red shirt – We can treat the whole thing as a sequence in which there might – or might not – be some causal relations. Will it not solve the question of reasonablity and logic?

I see.. We could say that there is a sequence someone seems to be aware of, and that we can talk of the sequence..? Ie to ise the process of logic reasoning for relating to the sequence – whether one considers it logical, reasonable – or not?

Maybe.. But then are we not still left with the question of the logic or reason of attention? Like, if we talk about this sequence and I see no logic for even placing these events in the same sequence – am I not going to feel like am wasting my bloody time?

Are you saying that seeming unrelated events that occur in your life can not be of a single sequence? What about the sequence of event this morning, or in the last hour..?

Did you not notice we talk of sequences rather than consequences?

Oh! But what if the other person claims these aren’t just a sequence but events of cause and effect?

Great! Maybe then they can question how these are causal and effect elements?

So.. Where has logic ended?

Where, or when?

Perhaps if we talk of sequences during a certain period, then logic might end with time?

What if its not a time period but a sequence of topological features?

..and these features, as a sequence, can they be out of time?

Sure.. Like a chord. A sequence all at once, right?

The logic of chords is out of time?

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