linked with queuing, time and lists – do they collapse? combine and collapse?

Perhaps to do with language of time, rhythm, scarcity of time as objects, lists, sequences and folding/collapsing..(?) seems like these notions have something to do with data arrangements in digital tech devices? Here’s another instance of queuing as public art..

queuing, time and lists – do they collapse? combine and collapse?

about 1 min of queuing.. Something relaxing with all the blipping, no..? (not relaxed about using youtube though..) Perhaps to do with language of time, rhythm, scarcity of time as objects, lists, sequences and folding/collapsing..(?)

while queuing, time and lists – do they collapse? combine and collapse?

these videos are 1 min of queuing.. Same supermarket.. Something relaxing with all the blipping, no..? Something to do with language of time, rhythm, scarcity of time as objects, lists, sequences and folding/collapsing..(?)

while queuing, time and lists – do they combine? collapse? combine and collapse?

I think this is the 1st of the queuing videos.. All about 1 min of queuing.. Same supermarket.. Something to do with language of time, rhythm, scarcity of time as objects, lists, sequences and folding/collapsing..(?)