ChaCha – the (only???) anti gay coffee shop of Jaffa..

Last night I went to jaffa for a promised palestinian coffee in a place that was r4ecomended as one of the best, cha-cha coffee.
A place that seems to combine food and coffee in a room full of shisha smokers. Yes, it was kind of full.
As I was looking for a place to sit, a waiter approached and I thought it is rather nice in the helpful way until he said:
You can not be here.
This is a place for couples and families, he went on to explaine.
Nice, though I have a friend coming, he is just parking a car.
No you can not stay.
Here’s a person by herself, I pointed…
She is waiting for her friend.
I can wait for my friend too 🙂
No you can not. She is waiting for a Male friend..
Only then it dawned on me – am slow – that the whole shebang was based on an assumption that I was gay. So I said:
I see.. Do you think “couples” can not be of same sex?
The reply was that same sex couples are Not Real couples.. At which point I turned TOTALLY & UTTERLY gay all over!
I pressed the recording button on the phone while waiting for the waiter’s attention..
Are you asking me to leave because I am gay?
Yes, he said. Its the policy, nothing to do with me.
Can I chat with the owner?
Is this a legal policy?
I told you, am just working here..
By that time, a rather muscle bulging guy, attractive in sort of male gay-poster kind of way, tapped me pointing towards the exit door.

We had a bit of an exchange that ended up with a hand-shake none of us meant..

That is a rough paraphrase on what happened.

Is this a part of how tel-aviv might be like when its palestinian?
Perhaps the army HQ search of palestine should mutate to a tel-aviv wide?
Hummmm.. Actually, I just assume the anti gay place, cha-cha in jaffa, is run by palestinians because it was open on a jewish holiday.. And the intent was for checking out some palestinian coffee.. (plus the fact i was told Only palestinian places will be open..)
However, it will not be much of a surprise if its zionist owned… Will be very interesting in the sense of possible usage of palestinian workers to deliver an anti gay policy..

I mean.. Come on – an anti gay place called, err, Cha Cha!!

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