if a + b and fulfillment of desire? or

is it desire fulfillment/s and if a + b? Desiring as a rhythm requires a sensing link in time that is full of ifs. If i had some coffee.. Once I have coffee, the desire is dead. No ifs anymore.. Its full of certainties. No ifs, no desires. In that sense desire is dependent on […]

is “reason” = transferability and debatability?

Am listening to: They seem to search for an hierarchical structure, or imagine something like that. The “reason” is under the influence of “desire”, or the other way around? Is rationality, or a rational act, something that determines choice? (ie choice is under the command of rationality?) I think that perhaps the question is of […]

#exdes belief as a #rainbow be…

#exdes belief as a #rainbow between #desire (for X to b as u want it) & #afa it is #honestly known to u. I #wish X was 1. afaik 1 is x

#exdes state of mind, like #de…

#exdes state of mind, like #desire, comes through the sensual activity

#exdes not sure whats missing….

#exdes not sure whats missing. / interest came via philosophy/psychology that banging on #desire. Isn’t excitement the fuse of desire?