A view regarding dynamics in art?

This is in relation with the post regarding if xyz.xyz and th idea of dynamics that’s at the background. It seems to me that apart from the example of sounds composition in the post, it can be argued that alterations in practices we tend to link with art, seem to have something to do with […]

wtf ifxyz.xyz?

attempting to comprehend if xyz.xyz ? A bit of background thoughts I think it will be worth while to consider the approach as Dynamic. huh? Am not linking up with some dynamism here. However pointing out that the approach has to do with dynamics rather than objects as static elements. I think bearing this point […]

sequences, categories, and

hierarchies? Sometimes when I say that, for example, expression is a manifestation type, some people seem to think that the implication is Manifestation is more important than expression. I do not mean to imply any hierarchy – am i manifesting myself wrongly? When a person talks about furniture, they talk about stuff that might include […]

d e s i r e ? ^ if

if feedesire? if endesire? if endingdesire? if energydesire? if dysdesire? if expressdesire? if movedesire? if oxygenatedesire? if infusedesire? if surfingdesire? if derbyshiredesire? if fictiondesire? if cinnamondesire? if dictivedesire? if binarydesire? if nonominaldesire? if rhythmicdesire? if spelldesire? if dysenergeticdesire? if 0geometricdesire? if oceanicdesire? if metanumericaldesire? if ifnicaldesire? if metabolicdesire? if keyboardiasticdesire? if 0desire? if 2desire? if […]

an arbitrary if?

Are the if waves arbitrary or something more interesting? I think that perhaps am currently wrong in their non-arbitrary nature*. However, it seems like they at least could be non arbitrary.. Here it goes: Say something like if XyZ with ^ ? After the initial getting used to it, the wave doesn’t seem to require […]

if n0 x a? 0.3??/? (?:?)?

if a[25] – x if a[17] – x – x if a[3001]2 – – x if x[3018]2 – x2 if2 a[-8] – x2 if y if2 (-a[8]) – x if/ y:x – x:y

if n0 x a?

if x if a if (a:x)(x:a) if (a2:x2) if2 (x2:a2) if x:a if a:x if a:a:a:a:a:a if x:x:x if (a:a:a:a:a)(x:x:x) if (a:a:a:a:a):(x:x:x) if (x:x:x)(a:a:a:a:a) if ax – xa

if a + b and fulfillment of desire? or

is it desire fulfillment/s and if a + b? Desiring as a rhythm requires a sensing link in time that is full of ifs. If i had some coffee.. Once I have coffee, the desire is dead. No ifs anymore.. Its full of certainties. No ifs, no desires. In that sense desire is dependent on […]

if a + b

perhaps it should be talked of as: spacetime and it is made of: if a + b ?? however, i can just say, am saying: if a + b

thoughts regarding if a + b and probably not much logic?

if a + b is a strand/sequence because it can be addressed to as and of itself. the brain might go looking for then, but even that is a link to if a + b. As such, it is alive. as a living being, it does not require a truth test. because if a + […]