a bit of summer-study times?

just had a look at https://www.coursera.org/ Suspiciously corporate, but not just yet, I think.. So hey, why not use while the offer is hopefull and humane still? Perhaps I’ll do: https://www.coursera.org/course/molevol https://www.coursera.org/course/epigenetics https://www.coursera.org/course/pcd ………..or a bit of each? Maybe brashup on javascript..? nope.. no course.. though: https://www.coursera.org/course/digitalmedia (processing) https://www.coursera.org/course/metadata https://www.coursera.org/course/malsoftware could be interesting as well..

javascript chat switch

There is an idea that tickles for a long time now. Its to do with unarticulated feelings. Maybe unarticulatable feelings? Anyway, am very unhappy with operating systems. I think they do not recognise networks, the fact that we are linked, and even the tools that consider themselves linked – are too static. eg basecamp, google […]

#javascript frameworks & their…

#javascript frameworks & their work-abilities? http://arty.li/Zcu

http://www.arty.li/Z5A – re te…

http://www.arty.li/Z5A – re terrain flyover in #javascript & #webgl (req chrome 🙁 )

http://www.arty.li/ZiZ – a #ja…

http://www.arty.li/ZiZ – a #javascript library for #cameras.. hummm

http://arty.li/ZJn – #javascri…

http://arty.li/ZJn – #javascript for #gnome – not a negative idea but gnome will surely be bloated compared to #firefoxos who does js..