language creation art and geisha sequence/strand? – checked this and somehow got which bumped me into: when notices that perhaps geisha has “art” in it. – towards the end of the “page” where it seems like “art” refers to entertainment/perfomative-acts like singing & dancing.. I now wonder if this might also have anything to do with […]

being and aiming through meanings of meanings by meaning without?

Just write some stuff re Meanings on barbicantalk forum: … 2- I have learned a lot via this exchange, so placing yourself as “learning”, if I accepted that, would feel disingenuous.. For example, It seems that in your mind – I suspect the vast majority of people’s minds – there is an idea of seeking […]

happen luck, fortune, fate hap befall occur come-to-pass, happening event

the confabulation search of stuff like hap. Each term, each word, each dna strand lives as a sequence who’s links are contentiously confabulated and searched as to their plastic nature through how we can imagine them. I really like the term Fork. I can fork a keyboard and a cat, also a cloud – but […]