the search is on yacy only. Perhaps this practice requires other search algorithms and databases, however that in itself might be contextual, or rhythmic dependant..
For now am leaving as such, partially because of own time restrictions..
Might update later on..
a future of words capitalisation practices?
| capitalistic for search |
| capitalistic of search |
| museum for search |
| slash museum |
| museum of slashes |
| slashing history |
| slashing and capitalism |
| sex slashing zombie and museological capitalism |
| Museum Vs Musing |
| Music Museum Muses Zombies |
| living death of money |
| are museums live of dead |
| death museum |
| no museum museum |
| the negative muse |
| the negative property |
| imaginary property |
| imaginary numbers and capitalism |
/ searching with slashes /
/ searching with powers /
/ rhythms for search // slash upsearch |/ searching with a Z //| moving Z /|/ inverted slashing /
/| the search of no /
/ none is a search in capitalism only?
// search a sleeping Z /
/ search as a sex act of capitalistic origin? /
/// search as an origin /\// searching as the origin // searching capitalism with origins slashes / / searching slashing with noggins origins capitalism /
/\ searching with /\
/ searching without slashes \/
/searching out of capitalism muses //
/ searching with lust & justin? ///
a History of capitalising words in english?
a story of capitalising words in english
a future of words capitalisation imagination?
page/archive | genie watch | embeded sleep | nuzz wharf | cakes and / lies
SEarcH NOTE/s?
Am not very happy with the searness of this search.. Perhaps this is a sort of pre-alpha(??).. Am not happy with the collisions, luck of them and the meanings they have – rather than more energetic significances they should have.. Though perhaps this might necessitate different kinds ways of imagining the collisions, the rhythms, the trajectories, the crossings and the transes?
One reply on “a museum of/for capitalism *search*?”
[…] The links above are, in my view, both a result and a representation of a Research. Yesterday, after many questions I have had about difference between searching and researching – (where I argued that researching is regressive and conservative while searching isn’t) – it occurred to me that maybe I’d better question myself via various Search/research pairing.. Here’s the search.. […]