Just heard the very uber Uber UBER sad news about Monica Ross passing away. Monica was always full of life, and life was full with her. Monica was a tutor of main at Brighton Uni, and in some ways, always provided invaluable guidance, as a friend and a fellow artist as well.. In Bernard’s words: […]
Month: June 2013
congrats @duckduckgo here’s a link to user graph – http://arty.li/ZpL – not sure though y ppl think of ddg as private and google “public”
how 0 to hide can’t defend privacy intruders http://arty.li/Zpb – insi8s eg need to break laws – shame re b/w + forgetting emancipation
#steim.org’s summer party – 18th june in #amsterdam – http://arty.li/Zpa – sounds like much fun to be having..
RT @twifip Forever Shall We Wait – The Leisure Society – Alone Aboard The Ark (cd Promo
#iran’s 2013 election topdog declared surprise http://arty.li/Zpz by they same experts that know mad undemocratic regime nuclear intents
coming from: initial thoughts re society of query writing #1 and http://blahsploitation.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/search-as-medium.html ————————————————————————————- The internet is both a culture and a reflection upon culture. For most people though, the internet is, somehow unfortunately, Google. That is because search, or the practice of searching, is the opening into the increasingly dominant cultural mirror that is the […]
should free people allow google to do stuff like http://arty.li/ZpR? or attempt to defunct it by making both free and better?
Theory and Foundations of Search + Personalization: Testing the Filter Bubble + Showcasing Alternative Search Engines In an environment of unknown links and information, the practice of searching is becoming a key to *desired* information. Links have strategic importance like the roads and waterways which gave birth to settlements and businesses that could exploit location. […]
In an environment of unknown links and information, the practice of searching is becoming a key for opening up the links into the desired information. Like the strategic importance of waterways and roads, which gave birth to settlements and businesses which attempted to exploit locations for the benefit of the inhabitants, search engines are the […]
#terror and it’s beneficiaries? http://arty.li/Zp2 – not Kafkaesque but plain capitalistic?
tunisia isn’t cool anymore http://arty.li/ZpB – is that the beginning of an islamic/religious winter?
earthquakes for cockroaches people – not cockroaches Haiti, computers and cockroaches are these animals or cockroaches? sounds of cockroaches? just add human
child #slavery in #Haiti or how to use earthquakes for #capitalism – http://arty.li/ZpX (via #al-jazeera, based in slavery rich Qatar)
#democracynow with Susan Landau on #metadata saying a lot about what we do – http://arty.li/Zp7
#google has to use free social acceptability to profit – #exploit – people wearing #gglass: http://arty.li/Zpn
RT @mndutra !Free software alternatives. !prism #PRISM http://prism-break.org/ !wikileaks !gnu !linux !libre