if/when X is an organism, it is not content within its enclosure, x now is not an object but a searching being. www.knoesis.org/library/resource.php?id=961 http://www.ece.tamu.edu/~noise/research_files/ICCAD_12_Why_Noise.pdf http://www.thefengs.com/wuchang/work/courses/cse5xx_OGI/cse581_winter2002/papers/lakshman98highspeed.pdf http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-5694-3_1#page-1 http://www.drdobbs.com/orthogonal-sequences/184404738 http://www.aicit.org/JDCTA/ppl/052%20JDCTA%20Vol5%20No12.pdf http://brainden.com/forum/index.php/topic/16142-next-terms-of-two-dimensional-sequences/ https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1497096.1497099 http://pattermetr.com/?p=5416 https://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/Arrays.html http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0129054106004005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering
Tag: noise
Following the initial exchange idea for barbican hacking month 2013, and the visit there on Thursday 27.06 – it occurred to me there could be other interesting activities to do there.. One of the ideas(??) is the barbican opera, which I think works pretty simply..? I will go around chatting with artists – not visitors […]
How to be a collidable network sound and live to tell about it? (H2BACNSAL2TAI?) WHAT IS H2BACNSAL2TAI? H2BACNSAL2TAI is a group activity that builds, and possibly destroys, a sonic network. H2BACNSAL2TAI imagines how networkable sound lives, from the view of sounds, via to the creation of collisions & networks. Data networks made of bits known […]
this is another follow up that follows this & that. the”problem” in my head, apart from it being just that, is the imagined need for solution. the question should be practised – not solution.. eg —> am on public transport. i know there will be timespace wheren (where + when come together) i’d cross looks […]
general idea To bring geographically mapped sounds from Rome into Brighton and vice versa. We will take the exact measurements of Rome, be it within the 7 hills, and superimpose the resulting coordinates onto Brighton. These coordinates will serve to map the locations of sounds in Rome, and play them in the corresponding geo locals […]
http://www.arty.li/Z5x – #floss sounds (as far as i can tell) is this an opening invite for a #closed #noise?
#futuristic family of #noise http://www.arty.li/Z5N
WIENWOCHE 2013 – Application Guidelines 1. Applicant David & Aharon 2. Description of the applicant (max. 2000 characters) David does stuff like mint fest. Aharon does stuff like digihub 3. Website, Links mint. digihub.org 4. Contact info / Contact person details xyz ************************************************** 1. Project title Food Collider / BlendedBlender Festival of Growing (FOG) is […]
if there is a genetic order http://arty.li/ZUu – is there a #genetic #noise?
http://arty.li/Z38 #raw #data oxymoron – should read but sounds like it imagines a fixed level of raw & #noise – viva var immanencies
mi8 b interesting re #noise definitions – they r noisy http://arty.li/Z3g in the sense that they r “unclear” + require human agency of value