is a tool for organisation, public figures, business and individuals to signup and call upon “..U.S. Congress reveal the full extent of the NSA’s spying programs..” All sounds very *nice*, **good**, and ***right*** indeed! However, I feel reluctant to sign. Perhaps wrongly, perhaps too suspicious of stuff that seems to be embracing capitalism and […]
Month: June 2013
RT @schestowitz Facing criticism, #Google appeals to the US #government
Years ago, it was simple to tell that a person, a group, or indeed a society or a political body is authoritarian. Atatürk for example, was not just an authoritarian ruler – also a self denier of part-taking in murdering Armenians. Or, if we remain in Turkish Anatolia, the arrests and brutality of various military […]
both snowden & mannings been junior cogs in the military – perhaps that is frightening for major cogs? little punks who wouldn’t shut up?
congrats to Ed Snowden, l8st #whistleblower & reminding #freedom has more a question about fear/angst of retribution than making a choice
google glass is unwelcome at google share holder meeting – so there is a question of when/when to use Gglasses? – as if we should be surprised?
the questioning of vitamin pills – – am a bit of a b-complex junkie..
I don’t know that am less than clueless about both genes and epigenes. All I seem to invent in my mind is that genes are codes in alphabetic terms which are arranged in various sequences, eg words(??), and that epigenes are repetitions, punctuation marks, spaces, etc*. that provide the ability for these sequences to have […]
legislating illegal activities of & by power.. interesting. does this make the former illegal, or the legislative process – legitimate?
yes. metadata/data collection also perpetuates a culture of fear as people lose the sense of ever greater oversight over powers-that-be
RT @reality What if the London Underground turned everyone into squirrels on the way in, and back into people on the way out. Much more …
This wordpress software ahs a feature called “media”. What is meant by “media” is added files which contain sounds, images – moving or static – and perhaps texts. I have a problem with that definition. Earlier today, I noticed an open call for “experimental media” where all they mean is – i conclude from the […]
how come there is this sense of unbreakable inevitability? perhaps #nhs needs more #socialisation language and ideas? we seem to be railed on privatisation as a cultural practice..
RT @glynmoody Privatised rail has meant ‘higher fares, older trains & bigger taxpayers’ bill’ – wait until you see …
I have to go to Hell** again and this time the flights options included Berlin or Borispol/Kiev. People tell me that I HAVE to visit Berlin, and everytime I hear about the place am salivating with notions and ideas. So I thought it could be an opportunity to spend some time in the city and […]
seen a few examples of these lately. wonder if popularity is ‘cos it bypasses filters for profits (check spill) Perhaps the more interesting element that comes to mind from this is how the image keeps evolving from being – as in itself Being and It, as in the painting, photo is in itself the […]
Am paying o2 for being my isp @ home. Paying o2 for being isp on my mobe. Another bunch – forgot their name, something . net or there abouts based in Worthing – get around £10pcm for “maintaining” the landline + land phone i do not use.. Now all these guys fancy working Against people […]