bathroomisation of life?

If everything is linked to bathroom. Kitchen is preparation for bathroom. Street as a shared toilet and bathing in dirt. Movements, sweating, temperatures are constant body excrements maketrs. The body as an organic toilet, etc. If everything is a loaf of bread linked. If everything is always inside a container. If everything is linked to […]

human rights and where is it watching?

HRW’s report re Turkey – – OK.. Well articulated how the current regime over-rides democratic processes in turkey. despite its protestations otherwise.. However, am just wondering whether the description of media being accommodating and unquestioning of power can not fit many other places, usa and uk included..?

perhaps interesting reminders of democracy operations? (eg majoritarian vs equality) (education vs open markets?) secular vs religion

world worlds of and its need?

Just had a qk browse through stuff about procrastination while clearly had to do some other stuff. The article ends with a notion about doing stuff because the World might – or might not – need that. I wonder. Wonder whether the question of the world’s needs – while being apt in the sense that […]

a picture of genetic thoughtlessness?

emergence as operational procreative process or practice?

Photons might move very very fast, and that very quick movement, in the environment of space as we know on planet earth, operates together to emerge light rays and heat fr4om the sun. The light and heat, while emerging from the operation of photons and a certain environment, are operations that in and of themselves […]

middle east/west asia – extreme or simply violent?

There is a rather common view that pits authoritarian nationalism against authoritarian – indeed, political – religionism in west asia/middle east. As if the 2 kind of authoritarianisms are 2 extremes. Are they? * It seems like both adhere to being authoritarian – hence violent. * It also seems that both nationalism and religionism are […]

isis or isil oh da’ash or daesh and lingo magic?

The washiongton post published an idea from France about calling “isis” by a different name. It seems like a sort of “trend” given that other people have some ideas of re-calling isis by some other terms. eg UnIslamicState (U IS??).. It seems rather curious to interesting that the idea of name and re-naming the stuff […]

direction without a fit?

It seems curious that “direction of it” has a requirement to, err, Fit. The fitness issue is between words/mind and world/power, in my view. The power is an extension here so will try to focus on why this extension occurred. If I declare a couple to be married, then according to direction of fit, this […]

iff if but not then a potential nor speculation

Just had a read/look at the forest bridge proposal (not suggestion??) for london’s tourists, rich and other possible interested parties and individuals. (gee, this line is full of drivel, but hey, need to get on into the meat of this post, no?) I really wonder whether the making of this image is transforming the imagination […]

how can pixels visualise fearss triumph over freedom?

The image of: is rather strange in terms of both the normality of face pixelation and the uniqueness of who this pixelation is aimed at. The pixelation of facial features is, in my point of view, an interesting yet somehow forgotten element of contemporary portraiture. Perhaps more than the “selfie”,pixelation is in itself an uber […]

art as a game or game is over?

Just bumped into c acangel’s blurb on art in the whitney‘s website.. Many interesting elements he mentioned. In general, perhaps, its interesting how a bright mind can produce clear statements at times. Very communicative, able to phrase an idea in a way that isn’t just shared,like “here you go, this is what i think”, which […]

if suggestion and sense?

It seems that people use suggestive lingo for arousing sensual drives.. I bumped into that when checking stuff link possible suggestive lists of terms, words, “language”, and bumped into sexual references. If you fancy some coffee, or I fancy some coffee, etc. where the suggestion is of getting together rather than the coffee itself. In […]

the difference between(??)

if/speculation and then(suggestion – or is it the other way around?? I think it is the other way around, no? if – if i drink water and sugar (I know that i can at least imagine water and sugar, because i, err, just did. In the same way i can IMAGINE, conjour in my inner […]

the if ab animal/organism??

if ab = suggestive/sleepy/cafenated/etc The organism(??)/sequence(??)/rhythm(??) comes from the if ab. eg say it is a suggestive sequence: if, while, once. eg: if ab while ab once ab* * am a bit cautious re once because it might also be speculative as it can refer to a future ab.. From this view, suggestive, while pointing […]

selling/letting/offering, a bit like an if?

Just bumped into the letting a flat 3mx3m for £255pcm. The surprise in mind was that some might have actually seriously contemplated the idea. ie if there is an offer, maybe someone will inevitably actually take it? The being an offer, an if flat of 3mx3m in and of itself does not seem like forcing […]